Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 1 After News

Just to touch base once is now day 3 since the news. I spent the better part of Day 1 at my best friends and my daughters God parents home, Duncan & Christine. As soon as we got out of the car the neighbor's 2 little girls who were outside with their Mom spotted Chloe Megan and that took care of what the kids were doing today LOL..swimming as much as possible!

 I spent a couple of hours with Christine of course talking about my news from my Oncologist but then we just enjoyed seeing each other and catching up. I then changed into my bathing suit and headed for the pool, but not till I blew up the 2 pool mattresses that I bought for myself and Chloe I've been dying to try out :-) Then as planned and anticipated I headed for the pool. This was sure to feel great! I worked up a sweat pumping up the mattresses so now even in spite of the most certain blood chilling cold of the water it will be refreshing and I can bear it till I get myself onto the mattress., or so I thought LOL....the water was colder than I anticipated, but regardless I worked too hard to get this mattress pumped and waited too long for this so just took a deep breath and used my arms to get me in the center of the pool facing the sun, and I floated around , aimlessly daydreaming enjoying the intense heat of the sun toasting up my cold wet body. ;-) The only part of me that I let in the pool was my hands and arms up to just past my elbows LOL..

Chloe remained with her friends the rest of the day till I as promised joined them for some time in the much appreciated heated pool . But before that I enjoyed talking over tea with the Mom of the 2 girls Nadine talking over the benefits of home schooling, and we did a lot of catching up as well.

All in all today was a good day in spite of. I got to be with good friends and family and most and best of all spend quality time with my pride and joy , my daughter Chloe Megan. 

What more could I ever ask for.

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